Dunedin Aurora

A Citizen Science Magnetic Observatory located in Dunedin, New Zealand.
image/svg+xml Bz: -10 Solar Wind Speed Space WeatherCurrent Conditions DENSITY ION MAG DunedinAurora.NZ 0000-00-00 00:00 UTC
General activity - variometer at Dunedin Aurora
General activity - fluxgate magnetometer on GOES 16
General activity - fluxgate magnetometer on GOES 17

Sky Camera

All-sky camera, DunedinAurora.NZ DunedinAurora.NZ

Moon Clock

Current moon phase
Moon is waning

Solar Wind Forecast


Coronal Holes

Coronal Brightness

CME Monitor

CME Monitor updated at 2024-10-22 14:07 UTC.

Highest level of coronal brightness occurred 2024-10-20 14:42 with 68% coverage.

Latest STEREO A images can be found at:
Stereo Science Centre

Enhanced LASCO Imagery